Yes, my daddy could do anything, like I stated in the second day of Christmas story: “Santa’s Tall Skinny Helper” and I’ve found old pictures to prove it!
“Long before fancy barbecue grills became popular, he bricked an outdoor fireplace for us to roast wieners and marshmallows.” (My sister, little Nancy, is sitting on a log. My friends and I are wearing our Jr. Nurse uniforms.)

Daddy and Roger preparing the foundation for our add-on bedrooms. “It made a perfect stage for dancing and baton twirling. I was sad when he had to finish the job.”

Would you believe? In Dad’s old slide collection I found this picture of the float I rode in the Children’s Parade. You can’t see it, but the sign says, “A little child shall lead them” and the two girls walking behind are blindfolded. Try as I might, I cannot find a photo of daddy as Uncle Sam walking on stilts hidden inside his long, striped pants. So impressive. That blessed photo is burned into my heart.